Frequently AskED
The Nubian Archery Club is dedicated to promoting Archery in Roxbury, Boston, while also providing valuable life skills and character development through the sport. We partner with schools and organizations to assist students of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels to reach their archery goals. Our shared core values of equity, access, and inclusion are at the heart of our mission.
Section Title
Can I leave my minor child at the field? No.
For your child’s safety, a parent or (18 years or older) guardian must be present anytime a minor is at the range. If a driving age minor has driven to the field, they do not need a parent or guardian present. There is no exception to this safety rule!
Can I stand on the shooting line or walk to the target with my child? No.
Only certified members of Nubian Archery are allowed at or beyond the shooting line. To join your child you will need to take the orientation class and become a USA Archery member, as well as pay the $5 range fee. There is no exception to this safety rule!
Can I coach my child from the sidelines? NO! Leave the coaching to the coaches
Can I walk down with my child to retrieve arrows? NO!
Only certified members of Nubian Archery are allowed past the shooting line on Saturday sessions or special events.
Is there a dress code? YES.
Shoes must cover entire foot (no sandals, crocks, etc.). Shorts must be longer than finger-tip length. Shirts for both males and females must be modest in style (no camisoles, shirts that show mid-drifts, or shirts with cut off sleeves or cut out sides).
Do I need to become a member of USA Archery? Yes.
All archers, both NAC members and non-members must become members of USA Archery by their 4th visit to the range. The USA Archery membership can be completed through the USA Archery website -- Please select Nubian Archery as your club affiliation. Nubian Archery Club Members and non-member archers must be Recreational, Youth, Adult, Family, or Lifetime USA Archery members. JOAD and AAP (SOAD) Members must be Youth, Adult, Family, Collegiate or Lifetime members of USA Archery to be eligible to earn JOAD or AAP Star Pins. USA Archery Recreational member are not eligible to earn JOAD or AAP Star Pins.
Can I upgrade my USA Archery membership? Yes.
However, it cannot be done online and is a mail-in process. Our advice is to join as an adult or youth if you think that you might be interested in joining JOAD or AAP or participating in competitions.
Do I need to attend the NAC orientation session before I can use the field or attend lessons? Yes.
All must attend. Archers learn the basics needed to begin lessons. More importantly, the archers learn about range and archery safety. Class size is limited, so sign up early.
Do you accept “walk-ins” for orientation sessions? No.
Because of limited space, we do not accept walk-ins for orientation.
Do I need to be a NAC member to attend sessions? No.
However, you will need to be a USA Archery member.
How do I get on the Nubian Archery Club email list?
After taking an orientation or joining NAC you will be added to the email list. NAC sends out emails weekly regarding the upcoming sessions and activities. We may send out an additional email with important announcements such as membership information, range announcements, or tournament information. We do not share your email with club members or share you email address to any outside organization.
Do I need to sign the NAC, NFAA and the USA Archery waivers each membership year? Yes.
The USA Archery, NFAA waivers and the Nubian Archery waiver and Photo Release form are valid July 1 thru June 30 each membership year.
Do you accept credit cards? Yes.
We accept cash (exact change please) and checks. NAC will charge $25 + check value for returned checks. There will be a small convenience fee attached to a credit card transaction.
What are JOAD and AAP?
Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) and Adult Archery Program (AAP) are goal orientated award programs. Youth and adults earn star pins for reaching set score goals at set distances. You will notice many archers with these award lanyards on their quivers at the field or at competitions. You need to be a Youth, Adult, Family, Collegiate or Lifetime USA Archery member and a member of the NAC JOAD/AAP program to be eligible to earn star pins.
What do I need to do to become a member of Nubian Archery Club, AAP, or JOAD?
1. Take the NAC Orientation
2. Join USA Archery (Copy of your USA Archery membership card must be provided with your application.
3. Completed membership application
4. Completed NAC Waiver with Photo Release form
5. Completed USA and NFAA Waiver
6. Payment (including Roxbury per person fees)
Who needs to pay the National Center for Afro-American Artist Museum Fee?
All NAC members must pay the per person fee. The Museum charges a $10 per person fee for all Roxbury residents and a $15 per person fee for non-Roxbury residents for use of Museum property.
When will I receive my membership card and gate code to the outdoor range?
Once the 6 items that are listed above have been received and your county address has been verified, the NAC membership card with the gate code will be given to you at the field. If you are applying by mail, your membership card and the gate code will be emailed to you. Please keep card on you while at the range to prove your membership in the Club.
Do I receive the code if I am only a JOAD or AAP (SOAD) member? No.
You must be a full Nubian Archery Club member to receive the code.
Can my membership be prorated since I am joining late in the membership year? Yes and No.
The NAC membership fee can be prorated. Roxbury, the AAP membership, and the JOAD membership fees cannot be prorated.
Is rental equipment available? How much are sessions?
Equipment is available for rental during scheduled session hours.
There is a $5 per visit for any equipment rental fee. An additional fee of $5 for the range.